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Thoughts & Inspiration

i ran down the stairs, into the kitchen, vigorously flapping my arms up and down screaming MY BLOG IS UP MY BLOG IS UP! and (of course) Young Curry slowly turned around, looked at me, and said …."I can't understand what you're saying."

as I'm sitting here, replaying this in my mind, I'm quite saddened. When I'm gone for nine whole months, who's going to drive Young Curry and Jim Curry crazy? Who's going to secretly buy Little Jakey Mountain Dew, who's going to drop books from the top bunk onto Abby in the middle of the night? Who's going to constantly call Mama and Papa Richter when direly lost, and sleep on Louhagin's porch with Adele and Katelyn in the dead of winter? So many thoughts are whirling through my head, but there's one thought that overrides all the other tiny little worries floating around in my mind.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11

and no matter how scared I am: of losing contact with my friends, of not being with my family for a long time, of coming back with a negative concept of everybody living in a first world country, I MUST heed His calling. I MUST give up myself, and my wants, to bring glory to His Name, and to spread the knowledge of His Kingdom. I MUST become less so HE can become greater. i MUST allow Him to destroy what destroys me, so I can live out my life for Him. I MUST remember to act in faith, and not in fear. i MUST remember that in my weakness, HE IS STRONG.

there's a quote that goes something like this: Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.

this is what I'm meant to do.

and i refuse to allow something like 'the odds' keep me from something absolutely, stunningly beautiful —–
being one step closer to God.

Caitlinn Renee Curry, Post Number One, over and out.